Here are a few of my favorites from the family reunion. (More to come later.) Enjoy!

Life as a happy wife and mother of two who wishes she had the energy to bake... and is now learning to kick breast cancer's ass.
No picture to add with this post, but I'll start posting family reunion pictures soon, I promise!
I just had to share something that happened last night. One of those memorable parenting moments that you laugh about, even though you would have been horrified about it before you had kids.
**stop reading if you're not interested in poop stories!**
Last night, G let me know she needed to go poo-poo. She ran to the bathroom and sat down on her little potty and I stayed in there with her, chatting, for a little while. After a bit, I told her to call for me when she was all done so I could help her wipe and wash her hands, and I went to the living room.
After a few minutes I heard her calling - "Mama!" I walked back to the bathroom, and she was still sitting on the potty.
G: "Mama, the poop go "PPPSHHH!" (making an explosion motion with her hands) and I got toilet paper and I wipe my bottom and I wipe the potty so it's all clean and now I have more poo-poo inside."
Me, confused: "You already wiped??"
G, pleased with herself: "Yes, I wiped and I trew it in the trash and I wiped the potty."
Me, noticing the poop on her forearm, the side of her shirt, the side of the potty, and her left calf: "I'm glad you wiped and got all clean, Gisèle - great job! Now let me get a wipe and just make sure you're REALLY clean."
G, standing up and reaching toward me with, I see, a bit of poop on one hand: "Ok, Mama, but I'm all clean!"
Me: "I know - NO, DON'T TOUCH ME - but I just want to - NO, DON'T TOUCH THE FLOOR - make really sure you got - HOLD YOUR HANDS OUT IN THE AIR! - all of the poo-poo off."
I wiped her down with baby wipes, and then antibacterial wipes. I picked up the potty insert to dump it out in the toilet, when she said "No, Mama - I have MORE poo-poo inside!"
I sighed as she sat her now-clean bottom back down on the mound of poo-poo, and (apparently having learned nothing at all from the previous five minutes) told her to let me know when she was done.
I headed back out to the living room, and proceeded to crack up as I related the story to Jamie. Two minutes later, a fully-clothed Gisèle bounced into the living room saying "All done!"
I let out a little shriek and ushered her back into the bathroom where I then wiped her down (again) and reminded her to wash her hands. With LOTS of soap.
Ah, parenthood!
Posted by Trish at 9:38 AM 4 comments
Labels: Gisele
We're back from our vacation, and I'm trying to catch up at work, unpack at home, and organize all of the pictures I took. I'll be back to blogging as soon as I can, but for now, thank you for your birthday wishes and your patience!
Posted by Trish at 10:25 AM 0 comments
My beautiful girl has one of the most expressive faces I've ever seen. She has a myriad of expressions, and uses them all every day. I love to ask her questions, because the longer she talks about something, the more expressions she comes up with. Here are just a few, all from the same conversation (face-painting was done at school that day):
Posted by Trish at 3:35 PM 2 comments
Labels: Gisele
Quick update: Miles just had his 9 month check-up, and he's officially off the charts in height! He's 30 3/4 inches tall, just over 20 pounds (50%) and has a head circumference in the 95%. All around, he's a very healthy boy (no more ear infections!) and the doctor is very happy with him. :)
Posted by Trish at 3:59 PM 1 comments
Labels: Miles
Posted by Trish at 7:16 AM 2 comments
Posted by Trish at 2:25 PM 2 comments
Labels: recipes
Posted by Trish at 11:29 AM 2 comments
Labels: Gisele
Posted by Trish at 6:28 PM 1 comments
Labels: Gisele