More birthday goodness to come, but for now, turn up your speakers and enjoy this video of Gisèle receiving her present from Jamie and me:

Life as a happy wife and mother of two who wishes she had the energy to bake... and is now learning to kick breast cancer's ass.
More birthday goodness to come, but for now, turn up your speakers and enjoy this video of Gisèle receiving her present from Jamie and me:
Posted by Trish at 9:09 PM 4 comments
Posted by Trish at 12:30 PM 2 comments
Labels: recipes
I have't felt at all like loggig lately, ad the mai reaso is ecause of the two o-workig keyoard keys we have at home. Ca you guess which two they are ased o what I've typed so far? I'll type a paragraph out here, ad I'll type the traslatio elow so you ca actually read what I've writte. It's ee so frustratig to try to type aythig at all out, ad it's drivig me uts. Makig lists of thigs to do is geerally doe o the computer at our house, ad it's hard to get aythig doe whe hyou look up ad see that the place you're supposed to go is "Hoy Loy." (sigh)
Translation, typed on a keyboard that has "B" and "N" keys that work:
I haven't felt at all like blogging lately, and the main reason is because of the two non-working keyboard keys we have at home. Can you guess which two they are based on what I've typed so far? I'll type a paragraph out here, and I'll type the translation below so you can actually read what I've written. It's been so frustrating to try to type anything at all out, and it's driving me nuts. Making lists of things to do is generally done on the computer at our house, and it's hard to get anything done when you look up and see that the place you're supposed to go is "Hoy Loy." {Hobby Lobby} (sigh)
We've also been really busy planning Gisèle's birthday party, so I haven't had a chance to upload pictures lately. I'll work on doing that after this weekend is over, so hopefully I'll get some photo updates online next week. We haven't done a whole lot lately, but I do have some Astros game pics to share, and some updated photos of the kids. Of course, after this weekend I hope to have some photos of Gisèle at her Cinderella birthday party to share!
Posted by Trish at 2:43 PM 1 comments
Labels: Gisele
Gisèle and Miles had a fashion show at school today! They even practiced for it yesterday (in Gisèle's class, at least). There was a runway, a cool backdrop, and an audience of parents and teachers. Gisèle picked out her outfit last night, being very careful with her selections. (We chose Miles's outfit for him this morning.) Jamie snapped a couple of pictures on his phone - pardon the blurriness!
Posted by Trish at 11:34 AM 2 comments
Well, today was day 2 of the second time trying the 28 Day Detox. The “shake” still sucks. It’s disgusting. But I’ve successfully kept it down now for 2 days in a row! Woohoo! Mixing it with (unsweetened) apple juice instead of water has helped some, I think. I still have to concentrate on not gagging as I drink it, and I’m still queasy for a few hours after I have it each morning, but at least it’s staying down.
Posted by Trish at 1:34 PM 4 comments
Labels: PCOS
Gisèle: "Dear God, Please help Shaney Waney Ganey's* brew** go gone so she can go to school some day."
*Shaney Waney Ganey = one of her stuffed animals
**brew = singular of bruise, apparently
Posted by Trish at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gisele
... but my computer is getting in the way! Out laptop at home is having some issues again - namely, that the "B' and "N" keys have stopped working. And do you know how many commonly used words contain the letter "N"? The last time we had to get the keyboard fixed, it required sending the laptop away for 4 weeks, and I'm hesitant to do that again. The solution would be to try to write the posts from work on my lunch break, and then add the pictures from home before publishing, but my lunch breaks have been a bit busy lately. I'll see what I can do, though!
Posted by Trish at 9:49 AM 1 comments
I got a call from my doctor's office yesterday. He had just looked at my bloodwork from last Wednesday, and on the basis of my high potassium level, does not want me to take spironolactone at all. I'm back on my insulin medication (glumetza), and will still start the diet on the 15th, but no second medication. So it's possible that the spironolactone is what caused all of the problems last week after all.
In happier news, a sweet friend gave us tickets to the Astros game tonight (Crawford Box seats!) and Jamie, the kids, and I will be spending the evening at the ballpark!
Posted by Trish at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: PCOS
Posted by Trish at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: recipes
Just a quick update to say that I'm feeling better. My energy reserves are still a bit depleted, but I haven't had any trouble with my heart rate the last 2 days, and the muscle fatigue is gone. We don't know if everything was related to the medication or not, but I guess we'll find out if it starts back up again. I start my insulin medication again tomorrow, the strict diet/detox drink on the 15th, and the second medication on the 22nd. So here goes nothing!
Posted by Trish at 1:23 PM 2 comments
Labels: PCOS
The day we traveled to Georgia for my brother Chris's wedding was a long day. There is one part about it, though, that I'll always remember fondly:
The train in the Atlanta airport has a recorded female voice that says "Attention - This train is departing." whenever the doors close and the train is about to start moving.
Gisèle misheard the voice EVERY time, and every time she heard it, she repeated what she heard - loudly - and got the giggles - "This train is The Party!?!"
Posted by Trish at 7:31 AM 1 comments
Labels: Gisele