Gisèle's favorite thing to do lately is write. She loves to write. Anything, anytime, anywhere. She found out yesterday that she would be visiting her preschool soon, so she wrote a note to her old teacher to let her know. And then today, she wrote a recap of her favorite TV show, Team Umizoomi. The notes, with translations, are below. Not bad for a new 1st grader!
Dear: Miss Danielle
I will be coming at the
school on Friday. You
will see me in the hallway.
I can not wait. It is
so much fun in the
classroom. It is sad that
they will not follow the
rules. I hope that I
will make it better.
Love, Gisèle To Miss Danielle
Gisèle Marie Lowery
Team Umizoomi
Hi my name is Milly and my
name is Bot and that is my
brother Geo and we are
a tiny team of superheroes and we
love Umicar. He is the best
car in the city. "boo-boo"
Do you see that "boo-boo"
sound? It is the alarm for trouble.
Bot is a robot. He has a belly screen.
We see our friend. It is a girl.
You can count on us. A car can.
To: ML {Miles Lowery}