I have a new normal, now. Cancer sucks in many, many ways, and I'm introduced to more of them each day. Living with cancer, going through treatment, and recovering from treatment all come with their own challenges, and it's really an entire world that a lot of people will, God willing, never have to learn anything about.
Emotionally, life after cancer treatment is difficult. I've never been a hypochondriac, but am almost encouraged to be one now. My white blood cells are still low (possibly as a result of the medication I'm on, though my MedOnc isn't quite sure of the cause), so I need to stay away from anyone sick, and call my team immediately if I develop a fever. If I have any swelling in my right arm or trunk, I need to contact my team right away (signs of lymphedema). If I have any acute bone aches, headaches, lumps, nausea, breathing issues, fatigue... basically, I should contact my medical team if I feel anything out of the "ordinary." The problem is, my "ordinary" now is not what it used to be.
My 12 week LiveStrong program at the Y ends at the end of next week, and I highly recommend it to anyone recovering from cancer treatment. I have 60-70% of my energy back, and I feel so much stronger than I did before I started the program. It's free, and really has helped me to feel "normal" again.
My hair is coming back in nicely, though with more grey than before. It's curly, though still short enough that it looks wavy instead. It's nice to have hair again!