I'm updating from work, so thought I'd share some recent phone pictures.
One of our favorite things to do on the weekend is go to the Houston Zoo. We have a family membership, and try to go at least once every six weeks or so. Houston summers are sweltering, so we typically get there when they open, and try to plan our visits for the first Saturday of the month, when they open an hour early for Zoo members. We'll spend a couple of hours there and make it back home in time for lunch and naps. I love having a membership - it takes the pressure off of each visit. We don't feel like we have to see every single thing every time we go. We can just ask the kids each time - "What do you want to see today?" And we can go wherever their whims take us.
At the zoo, in the wagon after getting sunscreen on. |
At the zoo, in the wagon after getting sunscreen on. |
Gisèle is her usual silly self. She still loves to dress up, and still gravitates towards her dresses and skirts more often than anything else in her wardrobe. She uses highly exaggerated expressions when she talks, which keeps her listener completely enraptured, and converses at a level far beyond her years. She's completely wrapped up in the land of make-believe, and loves to tell us stories about all of her stuffed animals and what they've been up to. Yesterday she set up a party in the living room (made up of various toys, blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, books, etc.) that included "marshmallows that were going to turn into yummy blueberries." She's very creative, and we can always tell which picture is hers when all the coloring pages are lined up outside the classroom - hers are always the most exuberantly colored. Her latest drawing was a "rainbow machine."

Miles has turned into quite a little comedian. Whenever he's been naughty, he'll listen intently to us as we explain what he's done wrong, then nod - head ALL the way up, then ALL the way down - very seriously when we ask if he understands. Then he grins mischievously and we have to try hard not to laugh. He's putting two & three words together at a time, and loves to repeat anything anyone else says - especially if it's Gisèle, his favorite person in the whole wide world. They crack each other up in the back seat of the car by making silly noises at each other, blowing raspberries, or just putting things on top of their heads and giggling until they get the hiccups. He likes to run around the house - multiple circuits between the living room, dining room, and kitchen - dragging a blanket in each hand, yelling "I-LOO-DADDY! I-LOO-JELL! I-LOO-MOMMY! I-LOO-CHOO-CHOO!" ("I-loo" = "I love" and "Jell" = "Gisèle".) He says "Yah" instead of "Yes" and "Bay-a" instead of "Bear," and he's the cutest thing ever.
Getting his latest haircut while enjoying a blue raspberry lollipop. |
In the car, with his sunglasses upside-down. |
At the church picnic, with watermelon juice dripping off his face. |
And just to make your day, here is the love of my life, who holds us all together. I love you, Jamie!
We always LOVE the sweet pictures and LOVE hearing about what's going on with our sweet grandkids. So much fun! Love the "sweet" picture of Jamie too!
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