Saw "Snatch" tonight w/ S., M., Ramsey, and Andrew. It was alright, but way too gory for me - not to mention the awful language. I met Kristen, the woman that Morgan babysits for, today... she's really nice. Also found a cute "I love you" book at Les Volcans that I'm going to send to Jamie. Bought [I bought a lot of lingerie that year. I'm going to stop typing it all in these entries.] at Etam Lingerie. I'm tired. I'll be in bed (asleep) by two. Just have to do crunches and devotional. Oh yeah - I got a letter from Jamie's parents today. I'll have to write back soon. I like his parents. Also got an email from Mom saying she won't be able to type letters at work anymore, so I won't get them often anymore, and one from Alan telling me how he proposed to Aubrey. Gotta get ready for bed. I love you, Jamie!
Monday, December 22, 2014
France - 11/15/00
Posted by Trish at 3:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001
Friday, December 12, 2014
France - 11/14/00
I think I'm going to be in bed by 12:30! Morgan and I didn't get to go to the Louvre Sunday mainly because a guy who works there said my suitcase was too big to check in. And then a rude waiter wouldn't let us order just dessert and drinks at a place because we weren't ordering a full meal. But we still had fun. I got another letter from Jamie today, and a short email that said he got a 92% on his accounting test! My smart, sexy man. [etc.] Gotta wash my face and brush my teeth and then I'm completely ready - including crunches. G'night sweetheart, I love you!
Posted by Trish at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
France - 11/13/00
I got a letter from my sweetie today, and I love him. This will be short entry - I had to take a second painkiller and it's making me lose coordination and things are kinda fuzzy and my head is heavy. I skipped crunches yesterday so I'll try to do them today. Teaching was better but the rapists that are somewhere in the city {news story at the time} are making me not at all enjoy my walk to and from the bus stop. I talked to Matt and Nat too and I can't remember what Nat gave as a gift idea for Matt. For her it was neat carousels - for Matt it was cool knives. I remember now. Gotta get ready for bed. Love you Jamie.
Posted by Trish at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001
Monday, December 8, 2014
France- 11/12/00
Today was Morgan's birthday... can't really write anything right now because I have to be up in 3 hours, but I'll try to remember to write tomorrow about the Louvre, the rude waiter, the train, and talking to Mom. I love you, Jamie!
Posted by Trish at 4:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001
Friday, December 5, 2014
Paris, France - 11/11/00
Long day. It's night time and M. and I just woke up from our 15 minute nap. Now we just have to get ready and get in bed for real. I bought a black satin pj set at Etam Lingerie today that I love - also, 2 old ads and the Getaway People CD. With "There She Goes" on it! I spent an incredible amount of money on it (160 francs), but I think it's worth it. We saw Notre Dame today and had lunch at a bistro near the école militaire; M.'s fish came with the head still on. Dinner was at an Italian place near Montparnasse after we went to the top of the tower. Then Haagen-Datz ice cream and an attempt to see Saving Grace, though it was sold out. I'm really tired... wash my face, brush my teeth, and skip crunches. I love you, Jamie. I can't wait until you're here, doing this all with me.
Posted by Trish at 10:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Paris, France - 11/10/00
Morgan and I are in Paris! She's brushing her teeth and I'm doing my best to ignore my aching feet. We're in a hotel near the Eiffel Tower and really near a bunch of good stores. I bought a red sleeveless shirt at Pimkie that I love. We saw the Eiffel Tower tonight all lit up, and at 8pm it sparkled for about 5 minutes. It was really pretty. We had dinner right off the Champs-Elysées at a Chinese place, bought CDs at FNAC and the Virgin Records megastore, and rode the Ferris Wheel at Place de la Concorde. We finished by walking down Rue St. Honoré by the Louvre, to gape at all the designer shops.
All ready for bed and debating on whether or not to do crunches... it depends on whether or not it'll bother Morgan - she's also sitting on the bed writing in her journal. I miss you, Jamie. [etc., etc.]
P.S. I bought "My Best Friend's Wedding," a Corr's CD, a Don McClean CD, and Saving Grace today!

Posted by Trish at 4:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001
Monday, December 1, 2014
France - 11/9/00
Ate at Le Menhir tonight w/ S. and M. I love the caramel dessert crêpes! Afterwards, we went to Katrine & Christiane's apartment. 5 Rue de Chassetiers. There were a bunch of people there and we had a good time in the 20ish minutes we could stay. Afterwards, we went to a bar in the square next to the cathedral to hear Tim play. There were even more people there. Tim played really well, but S. and I had to run to Jaude for the last bus de nuit. Zack escorted us, and we had to run when we got there. He said he and Celine are together but "the magic isn't there" so he's got to figure things out this weekend. Before dinner, when Sarah and I were waiting for Morgan by the fountain, a group of 3 flight attendants (two guys and a girl) came up to ask if there were any good restaurants here... I directed them to 1513. Hope they liked it! I wrote a letter to Aunt Monique & Uncle Ron tonight and finished one to Jamie, as well as washing my jeans, so I feel like I accomplished something. Have to pack and get to bed; my eyes are crossing. G'night, sweetheart! I love you!
Posted by Trish at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001