This school year is crazy. (But it's really nice to have the craziness be about the kids' schedules, and not about my health and appointments!)
Jamie and I keep a shared, color-coded calendar (Google Sheets); we have an "all" section at the top, a section for meals, and a section for each person in the family. If something is an appointment/time-sensitive, it's in bold. This year, with Gisèle involved in cheer and Production Theatre, and Miles in taekwondo, every day has something on it, and everything is in bold.
G has cheer until 5:00 after school Mondays and Wednesdays, and cheers at games at least once a week. She also has theatre rehearsals Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays until 6:00. (Yes, there are some conflicts there.) M has TKD from 4:10 until 5:00 Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. They each have a sports bag full of gear taking up space in their room, and we are doing a lot of laundry. Oh, and school - all pre-AP classes for G, and GT for M. I'm spending my days doing school drop-offs, running errands or going to my own appointments, then doing school pick-ups and activity chauffeuring.
We are guarding our weekends as best we can. Any evening time we have as a family - dinner together! - and weekend time we can spend together is precious. But it is so worth it to see these two thriving, doing what they love!

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