He just finished round 2 of antibiotics for a double ear infection (his first!) that won't seem to go away. We're really lucky that he's made it this far without more ear infections.
He has very nibbleable knees.
He is SO close to crawling! He army-crawls everywhere, and gets up on his hands and knees, rocking, all the time. It'll be any day now. We already can't leave him along very long in the living room, or we'll find him across the room with Gisèle's toys in his mouth. We've had to hide all of her not-appropriate-for-a-baby toys already, and we're hoping that she doesn't notice the loss of her bead necklaces and things.
He still has crazy hair. I've trimmed it above his ears and in back three times now, and he'll probably get a real haircut before he turns 1.
He loooooves me. :) I get the biggest smiles and best, sloppiest kisses from him when he sees me after a long day apart. On the flip-side, that also translates to massive amounts of my hair being pulled out in his enthusiasm to stay close to me. OUCH.
He has a dimpled chin and dimples in both cheeks.
He gets a big kick out of knocking block towers down.
He still adores Gisèle, and they love to play together in the living room. They also, according to Jamie, like to have noise competitions in the car on the way home from school. (Miles: "AADADADA!" Gisèle: "AADADADADADA!!!!!")
He sits up very well all by himself, and can move from a sitting to a crawling position.
He's a great eater, and loves to eat mum-mums. We also gave him puffs for the first time recently, and he did great!
Great post. Thanks for all the pics! :)
Is he the greatest or what??? Can't wait to nibble his knees! XXXNana
These are the most adorable pictures of him yet! He couldn't be any cuter! What a sweet happy smile!
I love all the bibs! So telling. :)
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