This makes me feel like a bad mother, but my current fantasy is to be a stay-at-home mom that still sends my kids to daycare part-time. Or three-quarters-time.
I find myself thinking about everything I could get done - cooking, baking, cleaning, organizing, decorating, stitching, working out, crafting, learning to sew/paint/draw, taking and editing photos...
I wouldn't be able to do all of that with the kids at home (though I'm sure I could do some), and I would also go crazy having them at home with me full-time. But I would LOVE to have some extra time (HA! What an imagination I have!) to try to do some of that. sigh. Here's to dreaming.
Well, I'll have plenty of time to devote to that in 18 years or so. Until then, I'm going to soak up every moment I have with my two adorable, loud, sweet, hilarious, loving balls of energy!

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