1. What is your favorite color? "Um, my favorite color is all the colors."
2. What is your favorite toy? "My favorite toy is the Jesus set-up." {nativity scene}
3. What is your favorite fruit? "My favorite fruit is orange."
4. What is your favorite tv show? "Princesses!" {? Maybe she means Princess movies like Cinderella.}
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? "I like to have chips with sour cream, and I like to have fruit, and crackers with cheese, and milk. And ice cream!"
6. What is your favorite outfit? "My favorite outfit is to wear a flower dress with pink leggings and with a pink shirt and with tights and with I have dance shoes on and with a headband and with a flower in my hair."
7. What is your favorite game? "My favorite game is Santa Claus games. Is that a funny game?"
8. What is your favorite snack? "I like... my favorite snack is banana bread."
9. What is your favorite animal? "A turkey. I mean, a rooster says bawk-bawk! That's what I like, 'cause it's silly. Isn't it, Mom?"
10. What is your favorite song? "Princess songs."
11. What is your favorite book? "Hmmm... Christmas books."
12. Who is your best friend? "Everyone!"
13. What is your favorite breakfast? "Favorite breakfast is pancakes with syrup and butter and milk. Is that yummy, Dad?"
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? "Kick a basketball. Yeah - kick one."
15. What is your favorite drink? "Milk."
16. What is your favorite holiday? "Christmas!"
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? "I like to... take teddy bears."
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for dessert? "Candy canes!" {She said that as she tried her first one.}
19. What is your favorite dinner? "Pasta."
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? "A princess!"

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