Bonjour, Jamie! We just finished another wonderful lunch. I really like the French way of having fruit for dessert - today it was raspberries (les framboises) w/ sugar. (sucre) In about two hours, Nicole and I are going to change money (no ATM yet, so I'm getting $195.00 in francs.), and buy paper, envelopes, and stamps. I forgot about the six-ish cards I brought with me to send to Jamie. After I buy my train ticket tomorrow I'm going to call down to Clermont to see if someone from the university can pick me up at the gare. I'm listening to Disney right now - Higitus Figitus! Presta digi toadium! [from the Sword in the Stone.] I really like the postcards I bought yesterday of "Les Mômes par Michel Thomas." I'd like to buy a book of them before I leave. The batteries in my CD player are holding up remarkably well (supercalifragilisticexpialidociusly well) - only 1/4 of the indicator is missing. I'm in a good mood right now because I'm not thinking of how much I miss Jamie. Nicole said if the weather stays nice, she, Delphine, and I are going to the Eiffel Tower! And only five more postcards (out of the sixteen) to write. I wish I could send more than one thing at a time to Jamie, but I really should try to space them out. I think I'll finish some more postcards now.
[Later in the day]
I'm tired.
Delphine is easier to talk to than Jean & Nicole. I think it's because she feels as awkward with her English as I do with my French. Today I found an ATM that accepted my card, changed money, saw the Eiffel Tower up close (though we didn't ascend), bought a 12-25 [youth rail discount] card and my ticket to Clermont, and ate a wonderful dinner of crêpes with Jean and Nicole in the city of Versailles. Delphine told me today that I speak French very well! I took two pictures of a beautiful church dome in Versailles tonight; I hope they turn out well! Nicole told me today that we're having dinner with François Xavier and his wife on one of the big boats on the Seine in Paris Wednesday night! Tomorrow I'm getting pictures taken for my 12-25 card and other things, buying paper, envelopes, & stamps and mailing my postcards, going to see Mission Impossible 2 (in French, of course) with Delphine, and calling the University to see if someone will be able to pick me up from the station. And guess what else? Calling Jamie!! And now, I'm going to skip exercises and things and simply sleep. I love you, Jamie!!

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