I can't believe it's been 2 months since I last blogged.
I finished radiation on October 19th, just before Jamie's birthday. My radiation team was incredible, and there were some teary eyes when I rang the bell.
My skin held up really well, and I just have a little residual discoloration left at this point. Now I'm working on regaining my strength and stamina, and finding my new "normal."
I have monthly Lupron shots and daily exemestane/Aromasin pills that have put me into early menopause. (This is necessary since my cancer feeds on hormones.) Menopause comes with its own issues, including achy joints and arthritis. I'm working out a few times a week at the Y, which has helped some, and which makes me feel better overall. I joined the LiveStrong program, free for cancer survivors. Through the program, I have a free 12 week membership to the Y and am in a small group led by a personal trainer. We meet twice a week to work out, and I'm getting the opportunity to try the different machines and classes at the facility, which makes it all seem less intimidating.
Our family celebrated the end of my active treatment by taking a big trip to a place I've wanted to go for a long time - The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal in Florida! That will be its own post, though, because I have a lot of pictures. For now, here's one to show you how much my hair has grown!

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