Sunday, October 13, 2024

Miles at Age 15

To read about Miles at age 14, click here.

1. Describe yourself.  "Creative, funny.  I'll just go with that."   

2. What are you thankful for?  "My family, what we have, and the opportunities we have."  

3. What makes you happy?  "Doing my own thing and not being bossed around, like not being able to enjoy myself."      

4. What makes you sad or angry?  "When people are annoying."  

5. What do you want to be when you grow up?  "I don't know." 

6. What's important to you?  "Uh, being able to have my "me time" but also be helpful."       

7. What do you love most about yourself?  "I like that I'm not spoiled."    

8. What do you love most about your mom?  "She's strong, she's been through a lot but she can go through more."  

9. What do you love most about your dad?  "He's very hardworking and takes care of the family and does things for us even if it means he's not happy."  

10. If you could go anywhere, where would you want to go?  "I'd go back to Europe.  Go on a Europe trip, visit some of the places we've already been to, but I'd also like to go to Spain, and the Netherlands again."   

11. Who do you admire, and why?  "I admire my parents because both of them are strong."  

12. What do you want to learn more about?  "I want to learn more coding skills for TSA {Technology Student Association} and be able to keep up in all my classes and not fall behind."   

13. What's something you'd like to do to help someone else?  "Make them feel welcome and not left out."  

14. What are you afraid of?  "I don't know, maybe boredom?"   

15. If you could only keep one thing, what would you keep?  "My family."   

16. What's your favorite memory?  "Probably the Europe trip 'cause we saw a bunch of stuff I'd never seen before and I got to have a bunch of foods I'd never had before and everything was really good."   

17. What are you proud of yourself for?  "I'm proud that I memorized all my marimba music."   

18. What are you looking forward to?  "Concert season in band and finally being used to all my classes and staying on top my classes."  

19. What do you dream about?  "I never remember my dreams."      

20. What else do you want to say?  "I need to do more Aceable {driving school} lessons."  

I love watching you grow into the man you're becoming.  You have such a kind heart, you're so thoughtful, and you're incredibly smart and funny.  I'm so blessed to be your mom!   

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