My "shake" this morning. Note the beautiful color. |
I only have a week and a half left on the seemingly-never-ending 28 Day Detox. I can't wait for it to be over! At this point, I'm back down to 1 "shake" a day, which I can handle. They still taste disgusting, but I'm used to them and can keep them down without a problem. I'm just really bored with the diet. I'm ready to reintroduce dairy, wheat, red meat, seafood, corn, strawberries, nuts, sugar, salt, caffeine and everything else I've been missing back into my meals! I know there are changes I'll need to make overall in my diet to have a healthier lifestyle as someone who is insulin-resistant, but being able to eat semi-normally is all I can think about lately.
The timing of this 28 Day Detox couldn't have come at a better time to test my willpower and self-control:
- Starbucks ran their "Treat Receipt" program during the 28 days. (Buy a drink in the morning and get any cold drink for only $2 in the afternoon.) August was the hottest month Houston's history, and I wasn't able to have caffeine, including $2 frappuccinos in the afternoon. The treat receipt deal will be over before the 28 days ends. (sigh)
- Gisèle's 4th birthday was last weekend. I baked and iced 48 cupcakes and was not able to take a single taste.
- Our church held the World's Largest Potluck. Literally - we broke the Guinness Book of World Records record for the World's Largest Potluck. Out of the 805 dishes, I was only able to eat grapes and blueberries.
September 11 is the last day of this 28 Day Detox. I see the nutritionist on September 9th, and I believe that's when I'll be able to start slowly reintroducing things. For everyone who is insulin-resistant, there are certain kinds of foods (or specific foods) that trigger insulin production more than others; for some people, it's gluten, for others, it's dairy, etc. Doing a slow reintroduction will help me identify which kinds of foods are the triggers for me, which will help tailor the changes I need to make in my diet.
I'm actually looking forward to seeing the nutritionist on the 9th. The main reason? I want to weigh myself. I haven't given in to the temptation at home, because the scale has been so depressing for me in the past. I'm hopeful, though. I know that simply being on my insulin medication has made a huge difference. When I saw my doctor before I started treatment, I weighed 145. When I saw him 1 month later (after having been on my insulin medication for a month) I weighed 134 on the same scale. That day - the day I weighed 134 - was the day I started the 28 Day Detox. I'm curious to go back and be weighed on that same scale now. When I see the nutritionist, it will be with only 2 days left in the Detox, so it'll be interesting to see what the difference is. :)