Loved it! Maddie fills in the gaps with, "and the next time,..." can't wait to see them in May! (and you, too, even though it's only for a short amount of time)
I'm a happy wife and mother of two who loves to bake. I like to cook, read, travel, and stitch, and was diagnosed in December 2017 with breast cancer. Time to figure out a new normal.
Wow! Very good job, Gisele & Nana. :)
I will always remember Gisele's determination to finish that big project. She did a wonderful job and I enjoyed every minute of it!
And THEN... hahaha, too cute!!
Loved it! Maddie fills in the gaps with, "and the next time,..." can't wait to see them in May! (and you, too, even though it's only for a short amount of time)
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