This was an incredible cake. Even I, with my massive sweet tooth, could only handle a sliver at a time - and that was with milk. I don't care how many calories were in each sliver, because it was worth every one of them.
It's a sour cream chocolate cake with peanut butter cream cheese frosting and a chocolate peanut butter ganache. I made it for my birthday since I wanted to bake, and I wanted something really indulgent. The big slice you see missing is the piece I kept at home for the family to eat. Everything else visible was taken to work to share with my coworkers; cake that good is too dangerous to keep in the house! It was popular at work, too, as there was none left for me to bring home at the end of the day.
I got the recipe from Smitten Kitchen, so I'll link you directly to her post. I didn't change anything at all about the recipe, so I'm not going to retype it here. And this way you can go admire her photos, which are much more attractive than mine!
Make this cake.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake

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