I got things accomplished today! Sarah and I got our bus passes & photos taken & I bought stamps & went by an ATM. Our photos aren't black & white, though, so I think we'll have to get more taken. Tomorrow we're taking another photo of me to the bus pass place and we're paying rent. And going to Auchan! I'm going to get a blowdryer! And other things, of course, but I'm really looking forward to the blowdryer. I'm missing Jamie right now. I wish I could call him. I found out today that the directrice won't let me (or Kristin) switch levels. She said level 3 is too full and we'll just have to stick it out. argh! I was so upset I got teary-eyed. I don't want to have all this work that I have to stress over! I need to talk to Jamie. (sigh) My presentation was supposed to be today, but I thought it was tomorrow, so Marta went instead. I'm going to talk about the farm tomorrow. I don't know if Sarah and I are going to be able to spend a week in Paris after the stage after all. We have a mandatory meeting Tuesday of that week and we might have the placement test after that. (sigh) I'm going to bed. I love you, Jamie!

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