Monday, June 9, 2014

France- 10/14/00


Sarah and I went to Auchan today and I picked up my film!  Some pictures turned out good (like the gargoyles at Notre Dame and the cliff/sunset at Sancy) and some are disappointingly horrible (Montparnasse and the Brazilian dancers).  I made a list of the copies I need to make for Mom & Dad... Aimee cooked a really good chicken, veggies, & rice dish for dinner tonight and Sarah and I are gong to cook next weekend. We bought a skillet and a pot today!  I've got to remind Jamie to send me some skillet chicken recipes.  And we can make pasta now!  I'm excited.  I went through all the pictures and wrote on the back of them so Jamie will know what everything is... I wish I could be there to show him each one!  The OU/K-State game is over, but I have no way of finding out who won until I talk to Jamie tomorrow night... unless I see someone at Clermont's flea market tomorrow morning who knows the outcome.  I hope OU won!!  I need to do my devotional and get to bed.  I love you, sweetie.

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