Jamie is coming next month! I saw a film called Saving Grace tonight (British). I really enjoyed it! And I want to find the soundtrack. Tomorrow, Zack and I are going to go to dinner and catch up on each other's lives - he'll tell me all about how it's going with Celine, and I'll tell him more about my wonderful Jamie. Tonight, Kristen, Aimee, Joanna, Sarah, and I ate at the Mexican place (yummy apple-cinnamon pie with wonderful ice cream!) before the movie. I saw Saving Grace and they all saw The Yards. (Mark Wahlberg/Charlize Theron) Sarah and I tore through our homework after the cab dropped us off here, so I just have to do my devotional & crunches and get ready for bed. Already in pjs (I love Jamie's weightlifting shirt!) Quite tired. And wanting Jamie. Next month!! I love you, sweetie.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
France - 11/1/00
Posted by Trish at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001
Monday, October 27, 2014
France - 10/31/00
It's officially November (Jamie is coming next month!) but I'll write about Halloween Day. 6 1/2 hours of class! Afterwards, to celebrate the end, Morgan, Sarah, and I had dinner at our Chinese place. Yummy! And then caramel sundaes at McDonald's for dessert. There was a guy there in drag as Cruella DeVille and it was one of the best costumes I've ever seen! 99% of the kids dressed up were witches, vampires, or other evil-scary things. France hasn't gotten to the point yet where kids can be friendly clowns or princesses or things. I wrote two letters tonight so I'm feeling like I've accomplished something. One to Jamie and one to family... Tomorrow (after I sleep in) I'm going to write more letter and balance my register. I should also clean, do hand laundry, and wash dishes, but I don't know if I'll get to it all. I've realized that Luke brings out the worst in Sarah. She takes to calling me "anal" about everything, criticizing the way I play [cards], contradicting everything I say, and trying to draw attention to herself by acting out-of-it yet giggly. I'm tired of it. (sigh) Nice to get that out of my system. On a happier note, I go to talk to my Jamie tonight and he sounded adorable! I love you!
Posted by Trish at 2:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001
Friday, October 24, 2014
France - 10/30/00
I love my wonderful Jamie. Matt and Nat gave me a picture mom had sent them of me and Jamie and he looks so adorable in it. I like having a hot boyfriend! He wrote to me and ended his letter saying he can't wait til I'm back and til we're together forever. I love it when he says things like that! But I hate it that I can't hug him when he does. [etc., etc.] The train ride back was uneventful - I slept most of the way. I don't like being back here where everything makes me think of my teaching job and all the classes I'm taking. argh. I just get worn out and depressed thinking about it. Kinda like what Jamie's going through, except that he can't just go to Germany for a weekend to forget about everything. I miss him. I need to do my devotional and get to sleep. Maybe I can get five hours. I love you with all my heart, Jamie! G'night.
![]() |
Countryside between Germany and France as seen from the train |

Posted by Trish at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Germany - 10/29/00
Wow. I just finished packing the green suitcase and it's stuffed. I can hardly lift it. I still have a lot of stuff, so I'm really hoping I'll be able to fit it in my backpack. But no idea how!! The suitcase is really bulging - I hope it doesn't break on me tomorrow. I really don't think I'll be able to fit everything. I wonder if Matt & Nat have an old bag they'd let me take... ? hmm... I made chocolate chip cookies today! And we watched The Whole Nine Yards and Son-in-Law tonight... tried washing my laundry [load of lights that had turned bright purple] with color-safe bleach and it didn't do any good whatsoever, so I just threw them all away. I have a horrible headache... hope it goes away soon. I miss Jamie. I love Matt & Nat, but hate being around them when they're kissy (and it's all the time) because it makes me miss Jamie even more. I love that they're so in love, though! I need to remember - their anniversary is Oct. 2, 1998. I need to go to bed - my head is killing me and I've got to be up in just a few hours. I love you, Jamie!

Posted by Trish at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001
Monday, October 20, 2014
Jamie is 36!

Posted by Trish at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Jamie
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Germany - 10/28/00
It's "fall-back" time, so all the clocks are 1 hour behind where they used to be now. OU beat Nebraska today!!! We're #1 in the country! I had a pretty bad phone conversation with Jamie, though. He wasn't happy about the game and I didn't understand why. He explained that he doesn't like that OU is getting good again... I think, from what I understood, that he thinks it's K-State's turn to be the best since OU has already had their chance. But I'm not sure. He wasn't in a good mood, though, and that (combined with the fact that he wasn't happy about the game when I needed him to be combined with the fact that when I talked to him earlier today he sounded less-than-thrilled to be talking to me) made me think there were all kinds of things wrong... foremost in my mind, of course, the wondering if he was tired of the whole long-distance thing and didn't care enough to keep it going. I just really miss him and I can't do anything about it. I was definitely crying on the phone... I'm still not happy. I have no idea what else to get for his birthday and I hate only being able to send him little things, and I don't know how I'm going to make it from January to July without him. I don't know how I can even get through the next two months. All this space and I didn't even mention our day in Trier! Or the pj tank (grey w/ stripe-ish trim) and sweater I bought. Or the Commisary, or anything. I love you, Jamie, even when you don't sound happy to talk to me!

Posted by Trish at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001
Monday, October 13, 2014
Miles at age 5
To read about Miles at age 4, click here.
1. What is your favorite color? "Hmm... hmm... purple minion."
3. What is your favorite fruit? "Hmm... my favorite fruit... pineapple."
4. What is your favorite tv show? "Hmm... Jake and the Neverland Pirates."
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? "Hmm.. hotdogs."
6. What is your favorite outfit? "Hmm... Halloween outfits."
7. What is your favorite game? "My favorite game? Oooh... putting coins in at Chuck E Cheese and the basketballs get to roll down and I get to throw the basketballs and get it in the goal. That's my favorite game."
8. What is your favorite snack? "My favorite snack? Hmm.. corndogs."
9. What is your favorite animal? "Hmm... piggie."
10. What is your favorite song? "Hmm... 'God of Angel Armies'" {by Chris Tomlin}
11. What is your favorite book? "My favorite book? Oh, I have two favorite books and my two favorite books are the ones I just got with my science activity." {He hasn't read them yet. "Library Lion" and "The Knight and the Dragon."}
12. Who is your best friend? "Best friend? Logan."
13. What is your favorite breakfast? "My favorite breakfast is pancakes."
15. What is your favorite drink? "My favorite drink is uh... chocolate milk."
16. What is your favorite holiday? "Favorite holiday is Christmas."
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? "Minion stuffed animals."
19. What is your favorite dinner? "My favorite dinner? Is... corndogs."
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? "Hmm... I want to be... a singer."
Happy birthday to my amazing, funny, smart, huggable 5 year old!!

Posted by Trish at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Miles
Friday, October 10, 2014
Germany - 10/27/00
I'm at Matt & Nat's and I just finished a huge plate of nachos. With sour cream and refried beans! [Two items that were hard to find in Clermont.] My tummy is really full... partly due to the big glass of *2% milk* I had with my nachos! [Milk purchased at the grocery store in Clermont was shelf-stable - not refrigerated, and had a strange taste. I didn't like it, and really missed being able to drink a big, tall, glass of milk.] I like Matt and Nat's apartment - it's very homey-feeling. I think we're going to Triers tomorrow... I'd like to wear my new pants, but I think I'll stick with jeans since they're warmer. I wish I'd brought my big coat! I think I'll wear my big sweater tomorrow - my really warm one. M&N have movies on DVD so I may watch one tomorrow. Their dog, Max, is cute. His head looks too small for his body (he's huge!) but he's cute. I think they spoil him rotten. I'm kinda bored... I think I'm just going to get ready for bed, skipping crunches on account of the too-full stomach. I know why I'm bored - I want to talk to Jamie and I can't but nothing else sounds fun. I'll just go to bed. I love you, Jamie!
Posted by Trish at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001
Monday, October 6, 2014
France - 10/26/00
Well, I'm all packed. All that's left is getting ready for bed and doing my homework. It's 2am, so I'm doing better than I thought. Had a wonderful conversation with Jamie today. However, let slip that people keep asking me when he's going to propose and I'm afraid it sounded pressure-y. Not the intent at all! argh. I miss him. I'm just ready to be with him again. (sigh) I painted my toes tonight - my favorite ruby-red polish. Tomorrow after I get ready, I'll pack my shower/makeup/hair stuff and I'll be all ready to go. Class gets out at 11:15 - I'll get a sandwich from the patisserie and catch the bus to the gare! I'm excited. The only part I'm worried about is having to take the metro to a different station in Paris, but I can do it. Wish Jamie was with me, though. Sarah and I made a really good spaghetti dinner tonight and then had strawberry tarts. My tummy's full. I'm going to do homework now. I love you, Jamie!
Posted by Trish at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001
Friday, October 3, 2014
France - 10/25/00
Today was a lazy day! We just had écrit this morning (I really don't like that class) and then we were done. We ate lunch at Le Bon and came back here. I took a nap! Sarah and I played cards for a while (and Luke) and then I read a magazine and did my homework. It's a bit after 3 now and I'm just going to do my crunches and devotional and go to bed. Earlier tomorrow night - I get to talk to Jamie (!!!) and then pack. My train leaves at 1:14pm Friday. I might wear my skirt tomorrow... not sure... I wish I could talk to Jamie tonight. I got an email from him today and he sounded really discouraged about being behind in all of his classes. I want to hug him and kiss him and tell him it'll be alright. I haven't gotten any mail in the last few days, so I'm need of some hugs and kisses myself. I love you, Jamie! 50-some days now!
Posted by Trish at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
France - 10/24/00
Well, I said I'd write, so I'll write - even though I have to be up in 4 hours. My own fault, of course. I bought 5 or 6 English magazines today! Because I read 2 of them completely through, I'm skipping my crunches. Still doing my devotional, but skipping reading a chapter of the Bible. I picked up my skirt and pants today - if I gain any weight, the pants will no longer fit across my hips! I'm going to wear the pants tomorrow with a white button-down shirt... Sarah and I ate at a Tex-Mex place near Tonkinoise for dinner - yummy! Chicken enchiladas. And our drinks (water) had ice! 1st time here in France I've had ice. I happily crunched some throughout the meal. Have to sleep now. Not feeling quite right. I love you, sweetie!
Posted by Trish at 8:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Europe 2000-2001