Monday, October 27, 2014

France - 10/31/00


It's officially November (Jamie is coming next month!) but I'll write about Halloween Day.  6 1/2 hours of class!  Afterwards, to celebrate the end, Morgan, Sarah, and I had dinner at our Chinese place.  Yummy!  And then caramel sundaes at McDonald's for dessert.  There was a guy there in drag as Cruella DeVille and it was one of the best costumes I've ever seen!  99% of the kids dressed up were witches, vampires, or other evil-scary things.  France hasn't gotten to the point yet where kids can be friendly clowns or princesses or things.  I wrote two letters tonight so I'm feeling like I've accomplished something.  One to Jamie and one to family... Tomorrow (after I sleep in) I'm going to write more letter and balance my register.  I should also clean, do hand laundry, and wash dishes, but I don't know if I'll get to it all.  I've realized that Luke brings out the worst in Sarah.  She takes to calling me "anal" about everything, criticizing the way I play [cards], contradicting everything I say, and trying to draw attention to herself by acting out-of-it yet giggly.  I'm tired of it.  (sigh)  Nice to get that out of my system.  On a happier note, I go to talk to my Jamie tonight and he sounded adorable!  I love you!

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