We have navy blue laminate counters in the kitchen. Yes - Navy blue. Laminate. With a navy blue laminate back-splash. (sigh)
Since it looks like it will be a loooooooonnng time until we can redo the kitchen, we're thinking about taking the baby step of painting the walls a different color. I'm trying to come up with a color scheme that will make the navy blue (sigh) seem a little bit more modern, and it's not easy. The front-runner right now is a light-medium aqua, but Jamie thinks it might be overwhelming to have that much blue in the kitchen. So now we're wondering if just painting it a different color beige (instead of the slightly peachy-beige wall color we have now) would help. Any ideas?

Since it's not feasable to replace your counters right now, what about having a project ready the next time mom/dad come for a visit? Leave the counters as they are, and do a tile backsplash that you like (with mom/dad's expert help, of course), which will either neutralize the counters or just make it more interesting :)
Thanks for volunteering us Andrea! Actually, I told Patricia that we would be happy to help whenever they're ready. In the meantime, I'll put my thinking cap on! XXXmom
We resurfaced some countertops in one of our rental homes and they look amazing and it was really cost effective! Might be a good temporary solution. If not - I would totally go fiestaware colors in there - stay neutral or pale on the walls and then add pops of bright yellow, turquoise and red in your window treatments, wall decor and accessories! Sounds like a fun project :)
i say leave it white and blue til you have the money and just add some greek-inspired touches!
This is going to sound crazy, but how about a pretty orange? I'm not talking navel orange or primary rainbow colored orange, more of a deeper, burnt orange. But not Longhorn burnt orange, deeper and richer than that. Ok I'm having trouble describing the color I'm seeing in my head, but I think it would contrast well and be very pretty with dark countertops.
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